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Split Heavens - Dave's Not Here
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Dave's not Here
Published 2003 by Invisible Friend Productions [Out of Print]
Track List:
17th century / europe weather / magic zingo / the internal / merry krishna / never never never / soft tune / piano and organ / fugue (organ) / tuning / fugue (piano) / no wonder i'm afraid I / no wonder i'm afraid II / apology / pavaroti / reading anais nin / top 10 simon / don't tell me (it's in my head) / i demand a replay / anais nin outakes / whistling in the dark / liquid wax / paperback writer / zingo outakes / co-star with vincent price: "the gambler"
Joe Strell & Dave Rottenberg - all instruments and vocals except as follows...
Shari Roberts - piano (high notes) on "reading anais nin", vocal on "i demand a replay"
Ward Toy - vocals on "i demand a replay" and "paperback writer"
Mastered at Dansbane Elandet Studio