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Split Heavens - Selections from the Second Retrospective
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Selections from the Second Retrospective
Published 2003 by Invisible Friend Productions [Out of Print]
Track List:
as i do (2003) / even before / james bond / sordid memories / thank you song / waiting for the train / asian guitar / unexpected / jam 2 (with ben krug) / my love song / don't tell me it's in my head (with dave rottenberg) / reading anais nin (with dave rottenberg, shari roberts) / soft tune (with dave rottenberg) / stilletto (with shari roberts) / rose red (with shari roberts, ward toy) / i'm a good old rebel (with dave rottenberg, ward toy) / resurrection (with ward toy) /
happy instrumental (with eric wanger) / divided silence (with pat lymon) / did you take heer to a movie tonight? / again
Joe Strell - all instruments and vocals except as noted in track list
Mastered at Dansbane Elandet Studio