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Split Heavens - Plate of Joe
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Plate of Joe - Selections from the retrospective...
Published 2000 by Invisible Friend Productions [Out of Print]
Track List:
values of their words / 17th century / again / reading anais nin / this time you set / my photograph forever / quad krishnas / anarchy in the u.k. / park with puddles / i can't stand it / dear lynn, chicago / wanted / shut out of the dark / typical boy / 6:17 a.m. / at night the smoke / down here / lois / safe eyes / when did it come
Joe Strell - original recordings, audio restoration and post production
Joe Strell and Marie Jocobsen - cover design
Brendan Gamble - vocals and drums on"6:17 a.m." and "lois"; drums on "at night the smoke": vocals, drums and guitar on "down here"
Jack Lenzo - central park photo
Dave Rottenberg - bass and guitar on "17th century"; vocals on "reading anais nin"
Shari Roberts - piano (high notes) on "reading anais nin"
Meg Strell - diner photo; vocal on "safe eyes"
Ward Toy - vocals on "quad krishnas" and "anarchy in the u.k."
Recorded at Dansbane Elandet Studio