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Split Heavens - Hydraulic Angel Hymns
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Hydraulic Angel Hymns
Published 1988 by Office Records, fil 244 [Out of Print]
Published 2001 by Invisible Friend Productions [Out of Print]
Track List:
i might have guessed / patience is a virtue / the custom /
now that it's over / resurrection / girl from ipanema /
dear lynn: chicago / at night the smoke / wanted: a few good men / did you take her to a movie? / treading water / sitting in limbo /
not tonight / one step behind
Bonus Tracks (2001) :
she said / dub from ipanema / meeting of the waters
Joe Strell - all instruments and vocals except noted as follows...
Brendan Gamble - drums on "the custom" and "treading water"
Brian Reedy - drums and voice on "wanted: a few good men"
Megan McGinty - chorus vocals on "girl from ipanema" (and dub version)
Recorded at Dansbane Elandet Studio