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Split Heavens - Amid Dusty Fields
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Amid Dusty Fields
Published 2002 by Invisible Friend Productions [Out of Print]
Track List:
wanted / i can't stand it / interim 1 / stepping up and up / voices / shut out of the dark / stay awake (to live and dream) / interim 2 / wanted - llertseinnoc / never let me know / having received enough / only this time / pop bass symphony / never mind that / base drive / car chase / downtown / window of hatred / the dance song / park with puddles / slinky / warm winter soliliquy / when is sunday? / before i sleep / afghan meadows
Joe Strell - all instruments and vocals except noted as follows...
Constance Strell - Vocals on "wanted - llertseinnoc"
Recorded at Dansbane Elandet Studio